Bang Jasmin oh bang jasmin... Jasamu tiada taraaaa langsung aje ye bg, aku pengguna smart phone blackberry odin 9550, klo menerima panggilan telp ga ada suaraan uy... Awalnya dkirain signalnya buruk tp lama2 jd aneh dan dirikupun tersadar, kenapa
suaranya muncul setiap harus pake speaker phone! What should I do? (Noel)

Jawab : Noel you know? there is no relation between the noise signal, it is pure damage the ear phone if you can open up housing it right then you can repair the damage itself, without help from others. well you should be careful when replacing the speaker, because if you are not careful will result in broken lcd. then once again you have to be careful, it's a simple job but can be fatal ..... stick with what I delivered this. This is not just science but the science ancestors since the days of hereditary urdu 7 derivatives, it will not fade with time...(tong tetanya naon hartina aing ge lieur ngahartikenana..he he)

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